Advantages Of Choosing Dental Implants
Dealing with tooth loss or severe decay can provoke many emotions in patients. It can also be overwhelming and challenging to choose a tooth replacement option. At James Peterson Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we assist our patients in choosing an option that is most beneficial to their lifestyle and budget. One option that we frequently recommend is dental implants.
What are Dental Implants?
A dental implant is used to replace an entire tooth structure, including the tooth root. The treatment is a multi-step process that involves placing a metal post into the jawbone to replace the tooth root. After some time, the post fuses with the jawbone and is ready for a permanent tooth structure to be placed on top. The options for the tooth structure can include a dental crown, a fixed dental bridge, or even dentures. Dental implants are a highly recommended and popular choice because they are long-lasting and function in a similar manner as a natural tooth. Dental implants can be used to replace one tooth, multiple teeth, or be strategically placed to replace an entire arch of teeth.
Advantages of Choosing Dental Implants
Many patients love dental implants because they can greatly improve their quality of life. When dealing with tooth loss and severe decay, it can be difficult for patients to eat properly leading to digestion problems. Some patients even experience speech impediments. Dental implants restore the chewing ability of the teeth, allowing patients to not only chew properly but also enjoy their favorite foods once again. Dental implants are also easy to care for following the completion of treatment. Patients can simply brush and floss their teeth as usual. We do require routine oral hygiene examinations to check on the state of your natural teeth and implants. Other advantages include:
- Can last for decades or even the rest of your life
- No need to update hardware or worry about continuous repairs
- No concern about jawbone loss
We feel that all of these advantages make dental implants one of the best tooth replacement solutions available to create the beautiful, natural smile you desire. If you have been considering dental implants and would like more information, please contact our office located in Coppell, TX. We would love to schedule an appointment with you and help you on your way to a beautiful new smile.