Invisalign uses a number of clear, removable aligners that work to comfortably straighten your teeth gradually.
Smile Makeover
A smile makeover may consist of several customized cosmetic dental procedures to enhance the aesthetics of your smile.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are an effective way to enhance the appearance of your smile by hiding imperfections, such as chips, stains, or areas of decay.
KöR® Whitening
KöR teeth whitening can be administered at home, reducing the appearance of stains and yellowing on your teeth, for a brighter smile.
ZOOM! Whitening
ZOOM! teeth whitening can be done in the office or at home to create a brighter, whiter smile by removing stains and discoloration.
Accelerated Orthodontics
Accelerated orthodontic treatments can shorten the amount of time needed for orthodontics through a dental device or a procedure.
iTero Digital Scanning
3D digital scanning can create an accurate model of your teeth for restorations without the messy process of traditional molds.
Dental Cleaning
Dental cleanings are an essential part of improving or maintaining your oral health and should be received at least twice a year.
Dental Exam
A dental examination can help us identify and diagnose problems with your oral and dental health for more timely treatments.
Dental Sealants
Dental sealants help prevent tooth decay and cavities by protecting the teeth against plaque, tartar, bacteria, and food particles.
Digital X-Rays
Digital X-rays are typically taken at an annual dental examination to provide a more detailed, comprehensive view of your overall dental health.
Fluoride Treatment
Fluoride treatments are provided for individuals of all ages in order to protect against cavities and tooth decay for better oral health.
Tooth-Colored Fillings
Tooth-colored fillings are used to treat cavities and decay by filling in the area with composite resin for a natural look and comfortable feel.
Same-Day Crowns
Same-day dental crowns are placed to protect a damaged or worn-down tooth and are custom made from various materials to fit comfortably.
Dental Bridges
A Dental bridge can replace one or more missing teeth and can be supported by your natural teeth or dental implants, for a secure restoration.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are surgically placed in the gums for secure, long-lasting dental restorations, such as crowns, dentures, or bridges.
Dentures can be used to replace some or all of your missing teeth on the upper and lower arch of your mouth, for a natural, restored smile.
Implant-Retained Bridges
An implant-retained bridge is supported by attached crowns and is beneficial as a durable restoration to replace more than one missing tooth.
Root Canal Therapy
A root canal procedure is performed when the inner pulp of the tooth becomes infected and works by removing the damaged area and then filling it.
Scaling and Root Planing
Scaling and root planing is a deep cleaning procedure that is used to treat the earliest stage of periodontal disease, also known as gingivitis.
All-on-4® Dental Implants
All-on-4 dental implants provide long-lasting restorations without the hassle and inconvenience associated with traditional, removable dentures.
Laser Gum Treatment
Laser gum treatments can be performed for a variety of reasons, including to treat gum disease, eliminate a “gummy smile,” and perform a biopsy.
Mouthguards are custom made to be worn during athletic activities that include physical contact or have a high risk of facial injury.
Night Guards
Night guards are beneficial in treating bruxism (teeth grinding) and protect your teeth at night while you are sleeping.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation
Nitrous oxide sedation is provided during a variety of dental procedures to allow for more comfortable, relaxed treatment.
Oral-Conscious Sedation
Oral-conscious sedation is administered prior to your dental procedure to allow you to feel relaxed and comfortable throughout the treatment.
TMJ Therapy
TMJ therapy helps diminish the symptoms associated with temporomandibular joint dysfunction so you can live with comfort.