Professional vs. OTC Whitening Treatments: What You Need To Know

A brighter, more confident smile can make all the difference as you head into the new year. While you may have considered over-the-counter (OTC) whitening products, professional treatments like Zoom!® and KöR® provide results that go beyond the basics. But what makes professional whitening so effective? Keep reading to learn why so many of our patients find professional care to be the best investment for a dazzling, long-lasting smile.

How To Whiten Your Teeth The Right Way

Would you love to have a brighter, whiter smile? We are happy to help patients achieve this with professional teeth whitening. Over the years, this cosmetic dentistry treatment has become extremely popular because it is easy and achieves lasting results. Many companies have taken advantage of the popularity of teeth whitening, and local stores are full of their over-the-counter products. We encourage you to leave those products on the shelves and contact our office to learn more about professional teeth whitening. If you would like to whiten your teeth for the holidays, now is the perfect time to learn more about this popular treatment. Read on to learn more.