Enjoy A Pleasant Dental Experience
It’s common for people to joke about how much they dislike going to the dentist. We don’t take it personally, though, because we know that for many patients, it’s no laughing matter. For these patients, fear, anxiety, and past bad experiences are keeping them from getting needed care. That is why our entire staff makes a concerted effort to create the most welcoming, calming, and positive atmosphere possible for every patient. For those who may need a little extra assistance, we offer sedation. Sedation dentistry helps patients who would otherwise avoid the dentist get essential oral healthcare.
What is Sedation, and Why is it Useful?
In simple terms, sedation involves receiving a medication that relaxes you. We may recommend sedation for patients who have anxiety about getting dental work done, a fear of needles, a sensitive gag reflex, extremely sensitive teeth, special needs, or difficulty controlling their movements. Some patients are less sensitive to local anesthesia, so we can use sedation with them as well.
At our office, we offer oral conscious sedation, where you take a prescription medication that relaxes you in preparation for a procedure. The level of sedation you experience depends on the medication and dosage Dr. Peterson prescribes. In any case, during your procedure, you will be conscious enough to answer questions and follow instructions, but you will be completely relaxed and at ease the entire time.
Sedation Preparation Tips
At James Peterson Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we find oral conscious sedation to be quite effective for fearful patients. In Dr. Peterson’s words, “I love when somebody who’s nervous and worried gets work done with oral sedation and afterward says, ‘That was awesome. That was so much better than I thought.’” If you are scheduled to have a dental procedure under sedation, here are some tips to help you prepare ahead of time:
- Talk to Us – We want you to fully understand what to expect and welcome any questions you may have. Please take advantage of your consultation time with our team to ask about the procedure and get clarification on aftercare instructions.
- Schedule Appropriately – with oral conscious sedation, you will not be able to resume your normal daily activities immediately afterward, and the effects take several hours to wear off. Be sure you allow the appropriate amount of time to recover after your appointment. Do not count on going back to work or being able to look after children for the remainder of the day.
- Arrange a Ride – Oral conscious sedation takes time to reach full effect, and the medication stays in your system for hours. You will need a person you trust to take you to your appointment and then drive you home after the procedure. Patients are not permitted to drive under oral conscious sedation.
- Beware of Stimulants – On the day of your appointment, to ensure that you can be as relaxed as possible during your procedure, we highly recommend skipping the coffee or soda or opting for decaf instead. You should also skip or delay taking any supplements that have a stimulating effect until after your procedure if possible.
- Bring Something from Home – Whether it’s a soft blanket, fuzzy slippers, a plushy, noise-canceling headphones, or an emotional support friend, we encourage you to bring something, or someone, from home that will help calm or distract you.
- Prepare Mentally – Some patients find it helpful to practice mindful breathing or meditation before an appointment. We also recommend listening to calming music or a podcast or audiobook that gives you a positive feeling.
Sedation is an option for any patient who feels anxious about getting a dental procedure done or needs assistance staying relaxed while in our care. If you are interested in learning more, or it’s time to schedule your next appointment, please get in touch with us at our office located in Coppell, TX. We are here to help!