Why We Love It!
We use amazing dental technology at our office, from digital X-rays to 3D printing. A technology that we are particularly proud of is Smile Design, a digital process that lets us design a patient’s dream smile and show them the results of their treatment before they even begin. Not only does Smile Design create a preview of the completed smile transformation, but it also illustrates every step of treatment, giving the patient complete confidence that their treatment plan will give them the results they desire.
Smile Design: Dr. & Patient Working Together
With Smile Design Technology, we have a full range of tools at our disposal to craft stunning smiles for patients with various needs. Because it is a completely digital process, every aspect can be customized to reflect different treatment options and different desires. What makes the Smile Design process so wonderful is the fact that the patient can also provide their input, and Dr. Peterson can make adjustments to show different outcomes based on the patient’s goals.
Here is how Smile Design works:
- Step 1: 3D Scanning and Digital Imaging — The patient’s mouth is scanned using the iTero Element 3D scanner, a simple procedure that takes about 5 minutes. Then, digital photographs are taken of the teeth and mouth, along with a video of the patient speaking.
- Step 2: Designing the Smile — Dr. Peterson uses all the digital images to design the patient’s ideal smile, integrating it into their physical anatomy to achieve a perfectly balanced, harmonious, and highly functional result.
- Step 3: Diagnostic Mock-up — Dr. Peterson and the patient work together to fine-tune the smile design. He then produces a mock-up of the new smile and places it in the patient’s mouth, allowing them to see the shape and contour of the teeth and giving them an idea of how their new smile will enhance their appearance.
- Step 4: Treatment Begins — Once all the details have been finalized and the patient is completely satisfied with their smile design, the treatment phase can begin. It is then only a matter of time before the patient can fully enjoy their beautiful, healthy new smile.
Smile Design is truly a marvel. It has been a crucial part of the treatment process for hundreds of our patients. With Smile Design technology, we are able to give our patients complete peace of mind and reassurance before treatment even begins, and that is why it is one of our favorite technologies to use in the office.
If you want to learn more about the Smile Design process or you have been thinking about what your ideal smile might look like, contact our office located in Coppell, TX. We cannot wait to show you what Smile Design can do for you!