Scaling And Root Planing

Scaling and Root Planing Periodontal Therapy in Coppell, TX If you have developed symptoms of gum (periodontal) disease, a regular dental cleaning might not be enough. The earliest stage of gum disease, gingivitis, is typically treated with scaling and root planing (SRP), a simple procedure that helps eliminate periodontal disease by removing built-up plaque and tartar from…

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy Saving Teeth in Coppell, TX If detected early on, tooth decay can be treated with a dental filling or a similar procedure to clean the enamel and seal the area. However, if the decay spreads past the enamel and infects the inner tissue of the tooth, you will likely need a root canal.…

Implant-Retained Bridges

Implant-Retained Bridges Secure, Natural-Looking Restorations in Coppell, TX At James Peterson Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we only use high-quality materials to supply you with a gorgeous and natural-looking smile. Implant-retained bridges are a long-lasting solution to restore missing teeth and help you get back the look and function of your original smile. Instead of being…


Dentures Quality Restorations in Coppell, TX Custom dentures can be a good option if you want to replace several missing teeth. Removable dentures can renew your smile and give you more confidence. Dr. James Peterson can provide either full or partial removable dentures for patients in Coppell, TX. Full dentures can replace your entire upper…

Dental Implants

Dental Implants Permanent Tooth Replacement in Coppell, TX Dr. James Peterson is proud to offer dental implants using CEREC technology for his patients in Coppell, TX. Dental implants are metal posts surgically placed in your gums and jawbone to act as the root of the tooth. One or more posts can be attached to a bridge, denture,…

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges Restoring Smiles in Coppell, TX When one or a few of your teeth are missing, it is more than just a problem with appearance — missing teeth can cause other teeth to shift, causing extra tension when you bite, increased pain during chewing, or even trouble speaking. A dental bridge restores the appearance your smile and health…

Same-Day Crowns

Same-Day Crowns Natural-Looking Restorations in Coppell, TX If one tooth is damaged or worn down, it can be protected with a dental crown. Also known as a cap, a crown is custom made to fit over your tooth and colored to match your surrounding teeth for a seamless appearance. At James Peterson Family & Cosmetic…


Financing Financing Options CareCredit is a healthcare credit card designed for your health, and wellness needs. It’s a way to pay for the costs of many treatments and procedures and allows you to make convenient monthly payments. CareCredit makes it easier to pay for the care you need. Schedule Your Visit Now Request Appointment


Forms Patient Resources Our staff looks forward to meeting you and discussing your goals. We strive to keep our appointments on time and as scheduled. Prior to your appointment, please complete and sign the patient forms and HIPAA notice, and email back to the office at New Patient Forms Please complete, sign, and return to…

Patient Resources

Patient Resources Our staff looks forward to seeing you and discussing your goals. We strive to keep our appointments on time and as scheduled. For new patients, prior to your appointment, please complete and sign the patient forms and HIPAA notice and email them directly to the office at Forms LEARN MORE Smile Gallery LEARN MORE Financing…